Armond el-Hashem

Wiki Table of Contents >> Characters >> Armond el-Hashem

Quick Facts

Date of Birth: 12/2/1987

Affiliation(s): Agents of Fate (advisor), Core Group (member)

Relationship(s): Ahsan el-Hashem (brother)

Occupation: Bookstore Owner

Affiliations and Groups:

Core Group

Armond becomes a member of the core friend group that also comprises the main story, along with Dan, Hayden, Abby, Samantha, and Clark.

Agents of Fate

Armond is the advisor to the Agents of Fate. His family’s ancestors are descended from Abbas and have passed down the lore and ancient texts concerning the Agents of Fate.

Armond possesses none of the ancient powers but does have the ability to telepathically communicate with the Agents once their powers have manifested.

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